July 17, 1995.
Here is some information from a person who is the commander
of all of the space craft in the Ashtar Command, which
is quite a few.
ASHTAR is here, greeting you from the stars.
Yours Earth is moving smoothly toward the Photon Belt. Actually, the Photon Belt is moving toward your solar system too. There will be a great crash of Light as you enter its inner recesses where all is Light - intense, bright Light - that will change your soul's pattern from one of mortality to immortality.
This will be a great event. All in the universe are watching and waiting for this event to occur. You are the fulcrum on which, all eyes are focused. The Ashtar Command is anxious for this to begin, as we have been waiting a long time for your return into 5th dimension consciousness.
KNOW THAT THERE'S LIFE ON ALL THE PLANETS IN YOUR SOLAR SYSTEM. These are your brothers an sisters living in a higher dimension than your are, and whose electrons are vibrating at a greater velocity than yours. Your electrons will soon pick up speed, and will be spinning at a rate that will propel you into the 5th dimension of LIght, where we all await you.
YOU ARE ALL LIVING ON A HOLLOW EARTH. Your brother and sisters who reside on the planets in your Solar System are also living on planets whose cores are hollow. ALL PLANETS IN YOUR SOLAR SYSTEM ARE HOLLOW, with life both IN and ON them.
YOUR SUN, HELIOS, HAS A HOLLOW CORE, as all suns do. THE LIGHT EMANATING FROM YOUR SUN IS COLD - not hot as you have been taught to believe. It only reaches a higher temperature when it comes in contact with your atmosphere. All celestial bodies are hollow, as this is the way they are formed.
We, in the Ashtar Command, travel to all the planes
in your Solar System
and are able to see them first hand. Soon you will have
the capacity to travel to the other planets and witness
their true structure.
Just know that all you've been led to believe will be open to dispute as you rise in consciousness.
JW I wouldn't be surprise if a few conventional scientist will have a word or two to say about that.
Remember: Ability will enable a man to go to the top, but it takes character to keep him there.
John Winston. johnfwin@sonnet.com